Buy Gold in Cameroon using our services

INTERCONTINETAL MINERS INC Cameroon has always made it a habit to out give the best product to valued clients. With the aid of our high expertize mining technics, we do mine gold in various forms as per the LBMA standard. From 18 to 24 karat of gold which is very precious that holds an extremely high value. Link yourself wuth us and have the experience of getting the best of gold with a 24k gold design to be worn every day. With timeless pieces like stud earrings, necklaces and bracelets, 24k gold offers something for everyone. 

Trading with Us

We process and make time deliveries within 1-3 days from from our warehouses in Africa by courier worldwide. Buy in Cameroon usng our services from 18 to 24 karat gold at a fraction of the cost. Hand-crafted in our factory, these pieces are designed to enhance our look and stand out of crowd, yet priced significantly lower than comparable pieces found in most shops. It is perfect for gift giving or collecting, this product guarantees purity and quality for years to come. Pure 24k Gold, delivered in days, safe, reliable, and guaranteed.


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Buy gold in cameroon using our services

Our Gold ranges from 18 to 24 Carats, this glittering new addition to your collection will shine all year long and dazzle everyone in sight! By smelting 99% of 24 Carat gold, we come out with an outsanding result and best quality, we are proud of our products because they always meet standards as per LBMA as manufacture using a patented process, our results has always been Best of Quality. Buy Gold in Cameron using our most reliable and trustworthy performances Our pure 24 karat gold is an investment product that will increase your wealth.



With the high-quality expertise and the best advisors and contacts throughout the world, Buy if you want to buy gold in cameroon, INTERCONTINETAL MINERS INC Cameroon can service both individuals and businesses, providing a wide range of commodities and securing the best possible results. Buy gold in Cameron.


Closely related to Corporate Social Responsibility and Mining Expertize ,Our reliability includes all necessary terms and conditions as follows:

  • addressing the environmental, economic, health and social impacts and benefits of mining throughout their life cycle, including workers’ health and safety;

  • enhancing the participation of stakeholders, including local and indigenous communities and women;

  • fostering sustainable mining practices through the provision of financial, technical and capacity-building support to developing countries and countries with economies.